How Neutron works

It’s been a long time since I last posted in my blog. Anyway here is one describing the internals of Neutron with overlay network. You would be able to get most out of this post if you have a Openstack setup with neutron described in my previous post. There are a number of components which are used in Neutron to give you a software defined networking. OpenVSwitch Overlay Network using GRE or VXLAN tunneling Linux network namespaces Linux bridges Veth pair OpenVSwitch It’s a soft virtual switch which supports Openflow rules.…


Weird Cassandra upsert behaviour

This post is about explaining one huge difference between cassandra upsert and insert and how things get hairy when you use ttl with a column. Table schema Here is the cql statement to create the table. Normal insert so far so good. Normal update This is an update which behaves like normal insert. insert and update with a null In the insert statement as we have mentioned a primary key but set a non-primary-key column to null a row should be inserted into the table.…


Devstack multinode with neutron and vagrant

In this post I am going to share my experience of running neutron multinode with devstack. I am assuming that you are familiar with openstack, devstack and vagrant. If not I advise you to learn at least about openstack and come back here when you feel comfortable with different components of openstack. I created three vms to do the experiment. The most useful thing I learnt from this experiment is how external network in neutron works.…
